Imágenes de FAX 560 SUPER BARATISIMO¡¡ en Coacalco de Berriozabal

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Coacalco de Berriozabal, México

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FAX 560 SUPER BARATISIMO¡¡ Ver mas artículos de electrónica

26 Oct 2010

The Brother Fax 560 is a personal fax machine released in 2000. The 560 features telephone operations, a 10 page auto document feeder, a 50 page paper cassette and acts as a copier with the ability to make up to 99 copies. All of the functions on the machine are easy to use and can be done out of the box after the 560 is installed.

Read more: Brother Fax 560 Instructions |

baratisimo en excelentes condiciones con toner, $$$700.
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